‘To Thy Heart’ at Berlinale

Ewa Borysewicz’s animation, which premiered at 53rd KFF, has qualified for the short film competition at Berlinale.

“To Thy Heart” by Ewa Borysewicz, which had its premiere in the international competition of the 53rd Krakow Film Festival, has qualified for the short film competition at Berlinale. “To Thy Heart” is the sole Polish film on the list.

The 10-minute-long animation is the first film made by Ewa Borysewicz after she graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. The animation she made when she was still studying, “Who would have thought?” won several awards in Poland, as well as got selected to the competition sections of foreign festivals, among others MIAF, Animateka or Premiers Plans.

There’s a candy bubble gum, there’s a swing, so there must be love as well – somewhere. Ewa Borysewicz’s “To thy heart” is a secular litany and a story of a relationship, resounding through a tower block estate.

The Berlin premiere of the film will take place on 11th February at 10 p.m. 64th edition of the Berlinale festival begins on 6th February, and the winners will be announced on 16th February. Within the frame of the festival, since 1955 short films are awarded Golden and Silver Bears, and since 2003 the films are evaluated by an international jury. Additional awards await the winners of the short film competition – the nomination for the European Film Award and DAAD award, that is, 3-month-long scholarship programme in Berlin.

“To Thy Heart” is the only Polish short film, among 25 titles produced in 21 countries, which will compete for the Berlinale laurels. The film’s producers are Animaso and Serafiński Studio. Krakow Film Foundation is in charge the film’s promotion at foreign festivals.

You can find the full list of films selected for the short film competition of Berlinale here.


Kategoria: News.


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