Top Ten Kraków: best films for 50th anniversary

An anniversary is the best time for memories and summaries – best films of last 50 years will be presented in Top Ten Krakow cycle.

The round anniversary is the time for memories and summing-up.  Among others, there is a survey of the best films from the half-century of Krakow event. One can also watch the "Top Ten Krakow" during the ongoing  35th Polish Film Festival in Gdynia.

50th jubilee of Krakow Film Festival is a great opportunity to remind the audience about the most interesting films from the rich archive of the event. Beginning last October, monthly anniversary screenings took place in the cinemas of Krakow, Tarnow and Nowy Sacz. The distinguished films in the history of the festival were grouped thematically – linked by the leading motive, the author or country. We began with controversial "Krakow scandals", then served the audience the successful "Prize-winners", private "Tales about man", tasteful "Cinema of imagination", a bit forgotten cinema "Made in Yugoslavia" and the famous "Greats in Krakow", and finished with the dynamic show "The youth are coming!".

"Top Ten Krakow"  showings are the culmination and summing-up of the seven-month anniversary. They consist of 20 films – the best "tens" of Polish and foreign films, selected by seven film critics connected with the Krakow event: Bożena Janicka, Jadwiga Hućkowa, Maria Malatyńska, Jerzy Armata, Andrzej Kołodyński, Tadeusz Lubelski and Bogusław Zmudziński. The shown films are not necessarily the winners of the festival laurels, but works which in their time were hotly awaited, enjoyed enormous interest, aroused controversy, or surprised the viewers and the jury.

35.FPFF – Multikino: May 28th, 10:00 am
50.KFF – ARS Reduta: June 1st, 3:00 pm; Kino Pod Baranami: June 2nd, 12:00 am

PORTAL TO PEACE (Fredens Port), dir. Thomas Stendrup, Denmark 1996, 30’
Cemeteries fill in very quickly in cultures that do not practice cremation. In Latin America this problem is solved by exhumation of human Romains after several years. In Cuba it is done as early as two years after the burial. Golden Dragon (1997).

THE MALLET (Malj), dir. Aca Ilić, Yugoslavia 1977, 10’
A misfit chicken in a daring escape from a totalitarian destination makes a great metaphor of a struggle for the right to life, in all its diversity and abundance. Silver Dragon (1977).

BREAD DAY (Chlebnyj Dien), dir. Siergiej Dworcewoj, Russia 1998, 55’
There is a small village 80 kilometres away from St. Petersburg. Its residents include old people and the unemployed. Once a week a carriage loaded with bread is detached from a train running down the main railroad. Golden Dragon (1999).

FATHER AND DAUGHTER, dir. Michael Dudok De Wit, UK/Belgium/The Netherlands 2000, 9’
A lyrical story about parting and expectation, cherishing a hope for the reunion between a daughter and her beloved father. This atmospheric animation is set in a flat Dutch landscape and made by means of subtle visuals. Special Distinction of FICC (2001).

METAMORPHOSIS OF MR. SAMSA, dir. Caroline Leaf, Canada 1977, 10′

This film is an effective animated screening of Franz Kafka’s short story The Metamorphosis. Its protagonist, Gregor Samsa, wakes up in the Morcing in his bed to discover that he has transformed into an enormous and ugly bug. Golden Dragon (1978).

OIL GOBBLERS (Ropáci), dir. Jan Svĕrák, CSRS 1988, 20′
This mocumentary is a brilliant story about the creatures who feed on oil and its derivatives and find the best conditions for reproduction where environment al pollution reaches the extent of an ecological disaster. Golden Dragon (1988).

35.FPFF – Multikino: May 29th, 10:00 am
50. KFF – Kino Pod Baranami: June 3rd, 12:00 am; Kino Pod Baranami: June 6th, 12:00 am

THE DANUBE EXODUS, dir. Peter Forgács, Hungary/ The Netherlands 1998, 60′
A montage of amateur films made by Sandor Andrasovits, a once‑captain of a ship sailing down the Danube. Half a century ago his ship transfer red Jews from Slovakia to Palestine and then took a completely different course. Silver Dragon (1999).

WASP, dir. Andrea Arnold, UK 2003, 23′

Zoe, aged 23, is a single mother raising four children. Her family lives on welfare benefits. One Day in the street Zoe runs into a friend whom she Has not seen for a long time. They arrange to meet for a date… Golden Dragon (2004).

THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF USHER (Zánik Domu Usherů), dir. Jan Švankmajer, CSRS 1981, 15′
An adaptation of a well‑known short story by Edgar Allan Poe. Švankmajer, known as an alchemist of surrealism, tells a bloodcurdling story exclusively by means of frame‑by‑frame animated objects and surfaces. Golden Dragon (1982).

FLAMENCO AT 5:15, dir. Cynthia Scott, Canada 1983, 29′

Students in their final year at the National Ballet School of Canada are seen learning the flamenco from Susana and Antonio Robledo, who come to the school every winter to conduct classes which are held after the day’s regular schedule has ended. Golden Dragon (1984).


35. FPFF – Multikino: May 27th, 10:00 am
50.KFF – Kino Pod Baranami: June 5th,  12:30 am; Kino Pod Baranami: June 6th, 6:00 pm

THE MUSICIANS (Muzykanci), dir. Kazimierz Karabasz, Poland 1960, 10’

An account of a railwaymen’s brass band rehearsal. Portraits of people, not young anymore, for whom direct contact with music must be essential if they spend their free time playing it. Golden Dragon of Wawel (1961).

A LABYRINTH (Labirynt), dir. Jan Lenica, Poland, 1962, 16’
It is difficult to remain human in a surreal world. It is not easy to escape from it, either. Golden Dragon of Wawel (1963).

HIS NAME IS BŁAŻEJ REJDAK… (Nazywa się Błażej Rejdak…), dir. Krystyna Gryczełowska, Poland 1968, 16′

A portrait of a smallholder who lives in a village but is also employed in a factory as a railway worker. A personal, affectionate relation between the filmmakers and the protagonist permeates this sociologically insightful documentary. Golden Hobby Horse (1969).

A ROL-CALL (Apel), dir. Ryszard Czekała, Poland 1970, 8′

A roll‑call in a concentration camp. Commands ‘Lie down! Stand up!’. Anyone that disobeys is shot on the spot. Then other inmates slowly stand up. They die. There is only one left because he hunched up when others were standing. Bronze Hobby Horse (1971).

PRIMARY SCHOOL (Szkoła podstawowa), dir. Tomasz Zygadło, Poland 1971, 17’
Ideological indoctrination begins as early as in elementary school when pupils receive instruction In a form tutor period. Children, however, do not succumb to this kind of propaganda so easily. GoldenDragon (1971).

THE PRIMER (Elementarz), dir. Wojciech Wiszniewski, Poland 1976, 9’

The film shows the level of self‑awareness among Poles in the 1970s. A symbolic image is combined with the alphabet and a poem entitled Who Are You?, so deeply rooted in the national tradition. Golden Hobby Horse (1981).

SEVEN WOMEN OF DIFFERENT AGES (Siedem kobiet w różnym wieku), dir. Krzysztof Kieślowski, Poland 1978, 15’

A subtle and poetic picture of human passing show through the stories of seven ballet dancers, ranking from a young student to a retired prima ballerina. The camera’s patient eye follows the moments of triumph and failure. Golden Hobby Horse (1979).

A TANGO (Tango), dir. Zbigniew Rybczyński, Poland 1980, 8’

Events that occur in one room at different Times affect its occupants. This sophisticated formal experiment is at the same time a sound philosophical metaphor. Bronze Hobby Horse (1981) and Oscar ’82 (1983).

WORKWOMEN (Robotnice), dir. Irena Kamieńska, Poland, 1980, 16’

A shocking documentary about women from a linen industry plant in Krosno who work extremely hard, are underpaid and deprived of basic welfare system guarantees. Golden Dragon (1981).

ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN (Wszystko może się przytrafić), dir. Marcel Łoziński, Poland 1995, 39’

A six‑year‑old child (played by Tomek, the director’s son) makes friends with older people sitting on benches in a park. The film is a confrontation between the experience of an eighty‑year‑old and the child’s naivety and curiosity about the world. Golden Dragon (1985).

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