Trailer competition – a ticket to 54th KFF

The winning trailer will guarantee the promoted film the place in the programme of 54th KFF.

The Trailer Competition of films submitted to the 54th Krakow Film Festival has been launched. Internet voting takes place between 10th March and 10th April, and the best trailer will give the correspondent film a ticket to the Festival.
Submission of films for the 54th Krakow Film Festival finished in February. Currently, the Selection Committee is working on the selection of titles for the four festival competitions. In the meantime, we would like to invite the authors and the audience to take part in a game in which participation in the programme of 54th Krakow Film Festival is a prize.
The competition of trailers submitted to this year’s edition takes places from 10th March to 10th April on our website: HERE. The producer or author of the film submitted to the selection of the 54th KFF can submit the trailer of the movie to the Trailer Competition. The trailers will be subject to internet voting of the public and the trailer which gets the largest number of votes will assure that the film it promotes will be automatically included in the programme of the Festival.
The competition takes place on the page, where the authors can submit their trailers using the application form and the viewers can vote for the favourite one. The length of a trailer cannot exceed 3 minutes and it has to have English subtitles. Only the trailers of films which have already been submitted to the selection of the 54th KFF can take part in the competition. The deadline for submitting trailers is 31st March.
– Each year we’re getting more and more submissions, there’s a growing number of films which are worth showing, and our selectioners face a really difficult choice – says Krzysztof Gierat, the director of the Festival. – This year we would like to invite our audience to take part in the selection process. The Trailer Competition gives an additional chance to enter the programme of the 54th Krakow Film Festival.

Detailed rules and regulations of the competition can be found: HERE.

Take part in the competition, help us to build the festival’s programme!


Kategoria: News.


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