You will hear ‘The Sound of Music’ indoor and outdoor

“The Sound of Music” is one of the most popular section of KFF. Music documentaries will be shown in cinemas and outdoors. We have trailers!

“Sound of Music” is one of the most popular cycles of the Krakow Film Festival. During the jubilee edition, which starts already in 10 days, films about music and musicians will be screened in two settings – traditionally, in cinemas and outdoors, in the city centre.

“Sound of Music” is a cycle which has already become an inherent part of our festival. Feature-length, filled with music documentaries tell about the lives of artists and unfold visions of a world in which the rhythm is the essence of existence.

This year, “Sound of Music” will be presented indoors and outdoors. The Krakow Film Festival offers nine films representing different cultures and music currents. In cinemas, Red Hot Chilli Peppers will reveal how they created their energetic video clips. The Jamaican Rocksteady will once again heat up their audience. A band of unusual musicians under an Argentinean folk bard, León Gieco, will perform not one, but several times. You will get to know a talented Russian tango singer, once famous, now long forgotten, and the future masters of opera will make even the biggest sceptic among you interested in this genre of music.

Lively tones of Gypsy fiddles will resound on Szczepański Square, right next to the Market Square. The Cuban salsa from the classic Wim Wender’s documentary will encourage you to dance. Those still unaffected will be surely carried away by the atmosphere of a monumental Rolling Stones’ concert, which was recorded by Martin Scorsese, and by the story about a Canadian band, Anvil, whose work inspired Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax.

Rock, opera, reggae, tango, folk, salsa, heavy metal and flamenco – nine films from seven different countries await you during the festival. Nine films differing in style, in emotions they carry, in the way they portray the musicians. Though much different, these nine films have a common denominator – they tell about the passion called “music”.

In FILMS section, in SOUND OF MUSIC folder, you will find the trailers fo almost all films! 

We remind that this year, you can also buy festival passes for a particular cycle, e.g. for “Sound of Music”.

The cycle “Sound of Music” includes:

Mundo Alas
, dir. Sebastian Schindel, Fernando Molnar, Leon Gieco, Argentina 2009, 89’ 
An unusual band of musicians, singers, dancers and painters, lead by León Gieco, a famous folk bard, sets off for a tour through Argentina. The concerts they give on their way are a mixture of rock, folk and tango. Their music is filled with a sincere joy, the joy of composing and of playing. Accompanying them in their journey, you will completely forget that the artists are disabled.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Untilted Documentary dir. David Hausen, USA 2008
A real treat for the fans of Red Hot Chilli Peppers – this documentary shows the history behind the production of the video clips to three songs from “Stadium Arcadium”. The musician don’t show off, but, without doubt, they enjoy themselves while dressing up as glam or punk rock stars in “Dani California”. They make fun of the candidates for artists with whom they record a clip imitating an interrogation. But, above all, they play, and they play in such a way that their music overflows from the screen onto the audience.

Rocksteady: The Roots of Reggae, dir. Srascha Baer, Switzerland/Canada 2009
Rocksteady is a kind of music which originated reggae. Its short reign in the second half of the 60’s gave birth to many hits and shaped the modern Jamaican music. The predecessors of Bob Marley meet again to tell about the beginnings of their music and how history set its stamp on it. The result of their meeting is a CD with the greatest hits of rocksteady.

Black Eyes, dir. Jan Bosdriesz, The Netherlands, 2008
Pyotr Leshchenko, once a famous Russian tango singer, is now completely forgotten. Jan Bosdriesz sets off for a journey following the singer’s track all the way to the Romanian concentration camp, where Leshchenko died in 1954. The story about the artist was an opportunity to portray Russian and Romanian societies and to present the director’s private story.

Opera Master Class, dir. Olivia Hagemann, Germany, 2009
Only seven from over 500 young talented singers from all over the world were chosen to the so-called Master Class, run by Kent Nagano, the main music director of the Bavarian State Opera. The film presents one year of hard work and exercises under the tutelage of Laurent Pillot, one year of living under constant pressure, of being full of self-doubts and anxiety; it presents the feelings of the young musicians, whose passion is singing.

When The Road Bends. Tales Of A Gipsy Caravan, dir. Jasmine Dellal, USA 2006
The Gypsy caravan with musicians from five countries travels across the North America. The diversity of the Gypsy culture pulsates in their songs. The director accompanies the musicians on stage, behind the scenes and in their own homes, back in their countries. Through the performances, we get to know the protagonists better and learn their stories which are best characterised by the Romany saying: “You cannot go straight, when the road bends”.

Buena Vista Social Club, dir. Wim Wenders, Germany/UK 1999
After the enormous success of Buena Vista Social Club’s album, the American guitarist Ry Cooder arranges a project together with the legendary musicians from Cuba. This time, he is accompanied by Wim Wenders with a film crew. The video camera follows the musicians working in the studio and during their everyday life in Havana. The documentary also includes their concerts in Amsterdam and their performance in Carnegie Hall in New York  during the summer of 1998, which was probably the last concert in this line-up of the band.

Shine A Light, dir. Martin Scorsese, USA 2008
The pulsating with music documentary, directed by the Oscar-winner Martin Scorsese, tells about the legend of Rock’n’Roll – The Rolling Stones. The majority of the material was recorded during just one concert in Beacon Theatre in New York, in the autumn of 2006. Mick Jagger and the band, present on the stage for 40 years, were bursting with energy. Scorsese’s 22 cameramen saw to it that not even a second of this extraordinary evening would be lost.

Anvil! The Story Of Anvil, dir. Sacha Gervasi, USA 2008
Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax were inspired by their music and thanks to it sold millions of CDs. In 1982, they recorded one of the heaviest albums in the history of metal. They have been playing together for over 30 years. Anvil – a Canadian band founded by Steve "Lips" Kudlow and Robb Reiner, when they were still in high school. They swore to each other that they would always play music together. A real game for survival. 



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